Can you imagine spending 20+ in prison for a crime you didn't commit. TWENTY YEARS! What about being over charged for an incident out of your control? Having a staged crime scene, missing footage, evidence misplaced or mislabeled.
Forget the fact that all of this was missed during the trial. Forget the Attorney's lying to you just to get you to "pick" them during the appeal. Being told one thing but never getting clarification?
What about being told "I consider you a friend I'd grab a beer with you", but once the guilty verdict was read that friend disappeared? What about finding out that two jurors came forward from your case but there were possibly FIVE, but you were told "you only need one". Possibly FIVE jurors who didn't understand the jury instructions that YOU could have argued but didn't. Two out of the five gave insight on what went wrong but no one bothered to investigate, or demand a retrial?
This wasn't days after the verdict. This was literally minutes after in which these jurors came forward in front of the prosecutors, defense, and clerk of courts. At any point a mistrial could have been declared but wasn't. Why?
John made a good point a few months back. He said, "If I was truly guilty of felony murder why did they (state) lie, cheat, and manipulate to get their win?" My mouth dropped as I never looked at it that way. When he said it, it made perfect sense. Why did they?
A friend of mine sent me the article at the bottom of this post. It got me thinking "how many people in Ohio are wrongfully convicted". I then did some research and 59 of Ohioans have been exonerated. 54% of those people have been exonerated for murder. Ohio has paid out more than 8 million to individuals who were wrongfully convicted. Eh.
All this money, money we pay into in taxes, and the public officials get a pass. "Official misconduct" is more than 50% of exonerations. Don't believe me? Check out the registry which is another link I included in this post.
A Youngstown man took a plea deal in 2024 for a double homicide in 2022. His sentence, 15 years! FIFTEEN YEARS for murdering TWO people! Where's the gun spec? Where's the justice?
In 2014 two brothers took a plea for the shooting death of another man. Their deal FIFTEEN years. No gun spec! Wait, there's more. A 22-year-old murdered a 76-year-old and took a plea and was sentenced to............FIFTEEN YEARS!!! NO GUN SPEC!
No what deal John was offered, prior to knowing ANY evidence? Twelve years PLUS the 3-year GUN SPEC! How do you give a gun spec to a law-abiding citizen? A man who was an avid gun collector, educated himself, and was responsible. Yet those who don't have a CCW, aren't responsible and walk around with illegal guns don't get charged with the gun spec. How, why, what?!?!
Last article, because I'm not becoming enraged. A campbell man responsible for killing a man on the north side was sentenced to.............yup, you guessed it. FIFTEEN YEARS!! Guess who the Judge was? You're correct, the one who "you can't diagnose an alcoholic they have to admit they have a problem".
I encouraged you all to check out the articles. Obviously, I trust little of what the media puts out. I always check the court dockets when I see such nonsense, but low and behold these individuals took pleas and are currently serving 15 years in prison. NOT fifteen to life, FIFTEEN! No gun spec, no added charges, just FIFTEEN years for the INTENT to harm/kill another. Baffling, I know!
Ephesians 4:31-32
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice".
Campbell man sentenced for the murder of 76-year-old - Mahoning County Prosecutor's Office (
