I had the opportunity to talk to another advocate this week. She had requested to join the same support group I am in and sent a link to her website regarding her son's case. What does any normal advocate do? They stalk the website and any other business account they may have.
As I was reading the website which is named "trumbullcountyiscorrupt.com" I noticed she had included the court transcripts, the video and audio footage from the interrogation room. I ended up messaging her asking about if she received any backlash from posting and if it's legal to do.
We ended up talking on the phone for a while and exchanging stories. Let me be perfectly clearly. It is extremely rare that women (or people in general) advocate for their loved one to this extreme. If, and only if it happens then their case involved some sort of corruption. While our cases are clearly different, the corruption that erupted throughout them are the same.
She then informed me that anything used during trial is public record, which is why and how she was able to post it on her website. She explained that she had to request it from the prosecutor's office, and when she received it, she had to pay. Once she got the discovery packet she uploaded it to her account.
Since John's trial is over, I am able to do the same. Especially with a majority of the evidence being public record.
John's trial transcripts are 1,050 pages so read during some free time. Once you get past the first 5 pages you won't be able to stop because the lies that that were told are too interesting to stop there. Reading all of the "objections" and Judge's rulings will leave you baffled. Your officers, who took an oath to serve and protect did the polar opposite in this case. I encouraged all of you to read them, leave a comment or message me privately with your thoughts. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Proverbs 14:5: "An honest witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies"