Since I was a witness in John's case, I missed the first 5 days of trial but got updates on the hour. Every single person who showed up to support John reiterated how bad a$$ our attorneys were and how horrible MCP looked. The state called their first witness which was an absolute sh!t show. Our attorney cross examines, and she is blatantly lying about the events that happened that day, the conversations she has had regarding the abuse that came from that household. The judge actually called for a recess so she can talk to the witness to explain what "perjury" is.
Court started at 9am that morning but it's never on time. Recess was called shortly after, then lunch, and by 11:30am the Judge ended court due to the unreliable witness. She was in contempt and clearly committed perjury, yet she was able to walk off the stand and go home? I'll never understand how this was allowed. How she wasn't charged with perjury and spent a night or two in county for committing false accusations against her flesh and blood. Only the truly sick and evil are capable of such behavior.
Day two, three, and four consisted of two other witnesses, the detective assigned to the case, and the coroner. The witnesses were questioned and cross examined. The State's main witness was defensive with a chip on her shoulder. She was condescending with a cold demeanor. Her answers were vague, which I'm sure the prosecutors "prepped" her with the questions/answers. "Less is best". Especially for someone who can't keep track of their lies and stories.
Detective gets called to the stand and BAMB instantly found incompetent. There was no actual investigation, bystanders were seen on camera walking through the crime scene, nothing was taped off, no evidence collected, phone's missing from the other party which ultimately (my theory) would show/prove that this individual had it out for MY man. I can almost guarantee if the detective did his job, his actual job of investigating he would have come across the bigger story. Yet the phone was destroyed and never recovered, the bullet never found, and the reason for the escalation never understood.
Our attorney's embarrassed him, he stuttered his words and had a hard time answering the questions. He knew he screwed him, but how could he admit it in a room full of collegues? How he was ever promoted to detective is beyond me, but then again this is Youngstown, nothing surprises me in the YO. Looking back on every thing, why didn't the local news stations ever record the detective or coroner on the stand? I tried to stay away from the news during trial but I don't remember one news station that covered the detective or coroner's testimony. Kinda odd.
I was finally able to watch the interview of John an hour after the incident happened. I also read the transcripts from the video and I'm not an attorney or medical professional, but something isn't matching up. John is questioned by one detective, and it correlates with the video. Then another detective comes in and is "grilling" JM, it sounds as if he is coerced into answering a certain way. If JM said, "no that's not how it happened". The detective responded with "then it happened this way" and would give a scenario as to how it happened. After the 4th time JM just agreed. "Yeah, I guess".
It's amazing with all this evidence of self-defense that John gets convicted of murder. I lost a little faith that day in our judicial system. I still cannot wrap my mind around it and no one is going to convince me otherwise. Call me delusional and crazy. This wasn't murder, this wasn't even manslaughter. This was an ambush, and the video says it all.
Do you know what premeditated is, what about intent?
Premeditated: done deliberately/planned in advanced
Intent: the resolve or determination with which a person acts to commit a crime.
Pacing on the porch, telling other people you were "waiting" for him to show up, proves premeditation. You were armed with brass knuckles and a cylindrical object to make the impact of your punch more forceful. That's considered intent.
We got this