I have a million things to do and the only thing I can focus on is the case. I spent four hours last night studying the interviews, watching the video, and looking over reports and evidence. None of it makes sense to me, none. The evidence was there. This was an absolute set-up, yet my MAN is sitting in prison serving 18 to life? I'm angry again, disgusted with how corrupt our judicial system is. Amazed that these public officials take bribes to make things "disappear", and the few who have a moral compass are too scared to speak up.
I've watched the video 30x and I swear every time it appears different, as if my mind is playing tricks on me. Every single time I'm left saying "man I don't remember it that way". This is something I've watched countless times and still don't remember it from the first, second, or third time I've watched it. Yet we expect a man who just took several blows to the head to remember every thing that happened?
Do ya'll know what trauma is? I'll break it down for you (actually google will but i'llexplain it in laymans terms).
TRAUMA: when we experience very stressful, frightening or distressing events that are difficult to cope with or out of our control.
Physical Trauma: a serious injury to the body. The two main types of physical trauma are: Blunt force trauma: when an object or force strikes the body, often resulting in concussions, deep cuts, or broken bones.
Concussion: Common symptoms after a mild traumatic brain injury are headache, confusion and loss of memory, known as amnesia.
Have any of you seen the video? The full video? Not the one WKBN or WFMJ posted, the actual video? I sat here for hours trying to time it up. The whole incident from the time John got out of the car was 21.53 seconds. Out of those (lets round up) 22 seconds, John took a severe 13.29 second beating by two individuals. In those 13 seconds I counted 17 blows to the head, 13 punches and 1 jump stomp, and 3 forceful kicks to the head area. That's 17 traumatic BLOWS to the head. SEVENTEEN.
John had a 0.8 window to defend himself. From the time he was brought over to his gun to the time he fired was 0.8 seconds. Do me a favor, look at your phone, get your clock out and hit stopwatch. Hit start and try to stop it on 0.8 seconds. How quick was that? Was that enough time to formulate a thought? Imagine taking 17 punches and kicks to the head and having to make a 0.8 split second decision. What would it be?
Have you ever been punched in a fight, hit with a ball during sports? How did you feel, how was your head? Imagine being hit SEVENTEEN times with three of them being kicks and stomps. I don't know, I run into doors and I'm miscombobulated for a few seconds, I can't imagine being severely beaten and being able to make a decision within 0.8 seconds, but if I was able to make a decision within 0.8 seconds you better believe I am picking MY life and my children's over yours any day of the week.
Do you know what pre-attack indicators are? Let me educate you. It could be an explosive outburts of anger without provocation. The victim was preparing a shower when he heard John was on his way over to pick up his daughter and grandson, something he has done religiously for years. The victim then yelled at John's daughter to leave the house and that John was not welcomed there. He made John's daughter and her 3 year old grandson walk down the street in 92 degree weather with a car-seat and diaper bag in hand. He then paced on the front porch anticipating John's arrival.
John does in fact go to the house. He called his daughter and sent her a message in which she "claims" she received after the altercation. When John pulls down the street he doesn't see his daughter where she should be, so he went to the house. When John pulls in the individual is running towards the entrance of the porch headed for the drive-way. I don't know about some of you parents, but my first thought would be "where the hell is my daughter and grandson". The individual stops and turns his back as if he was grabbing something. John got out of his car with his 9mm drawn. John swore the individuals who beat him that day had weapons as well. So he fired into the ground thinking he would retreat.
The individual is shirtless, which is a pre-attack indicator. He is messing with the gold chains around his neck, another pre-attack indicator. Both hands are balled into fists and he squares up to John, yet again, another pre-attack indicator. Substance abuse, pacing and agitation, anger, verbal threats, and heavy breathing are ALL pre-indicators of VIOLENCE!
John had every intentions on picking his family up for Sunday dinner at his son. He showed up in flip flops, shorts, and a tee-shirt. Nothing about him going there shows intent. He wasn't driving wreckless down the street, he didn't pull in doing 60 like the news reported. He didn't open fire in broad daylight infront of children, like the disgruntled neighbors said. He waited, he called 911 and was cooperative. I clearly can't speak for anyone else, but can give my opinion based on how well I know the man. If he went to the house with the intent to harm anyone, I can almost guarantee it wouldn't have been in flip flops, and he wouldn't have been found afterwards.
John is not a malicious man, despite what some might say. John has never lifted a finger to me, made me feel unsafe, or threatening in any way. I didn't hesitate to introduce him to my girls, I had absolutely no concerns with violence or abuse the five years I've been with him. In fact, it was the opposite....
It happened twice, and the first time I didn't think any thing of it, but the second threw up a red flag. I was sitting next to John and because I'm immature most days I decided to yell at him and put my hand up in a fist to intimidate him. Jerk move, I know. It worked and he put his hand up to protect himself. I laughed it off thinking I scared him and apologized. A year later I did the same thing, this time we were standing and I was face to face with him talking "crap" (in a goofy manor). I threw my arms up and puffed out my chest like I was going to swing. He took a step back, and covered himself. It was that moment I realized something was wrong.
I apologized yet again for being a jerk and said "were you abused", he avoided the question and went back to doing what John does....builds things. I sat on the couch contemplating what the heck just happened but didn't push the issue in case it made him uncomfortable. We never talked about it again, and I never raised my voice or arms to him again. Lesson learned.
When I tell you John is the most loving, dorkiest, compassionate, gentle giant I ever met. I'm not exaggerating. He is genuinely loving (in his own ways), he's sensitive, kind, and caring. Let's be real, he is NOT the typical guy I date. Let's face it, RED has a history of dating the "L"s. I actually won with this guy and in five short years he was taken from me. My heart will never beat the same.
Pay attention to the next few blogs as I attempt to break things down. I will eventually post the video, and your mind's can wander from there. Ask your questions, share your input, or give advice, because I am utterly lost and fighting a battle. If any one has experienced any thing similar please don't hesitate to private message me and share your story. I will not give up until John is given a fair fight, until the truth is heard and the corruption is exposed.