I'm going to pause for a minute on the life events. 🛑
The weekends seem to be the worst, probably because we spent every weekend together "netflix and chilling". 😉
My favorities were Friday night scary movie marathons! I always hated scary movies, until I met you. Bet I never watch them again. 😞
I'll never have ice cream Sunday, taco tuesday, or sippin saturday 🥺. My heart literally aches for you! The fact that I can't help, kills me the most.
I'll never stop being your voice! As long as it takes, I will keep fighting for you! WE will keep fighting!
Ever have a night where your mind doesn't shut off? What do you do to ease a wandering mind, kill the thoughts?
If you've made it this far with the blog, thank you! Have questions, want answers? Shoot me a message or leave a comment. ✌️