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Writer's picture: Megan Elizabeth Megan Elizabeth

I haven't talked to the Attorneys since November 25th before oral arguments for the Appeal. I sent the team an email 10 days later full of questions. I specifically asked if someone would contact me to let me know when the decision was made because I was making myself sick checking the website 3x a day.

I never got the call. I never even got a response text. Do you know how many times they went to see John in prison? ZERO. Know how many phone calls they took? TWO. I think he talked to his Attorney one time during the summer and that's because he called my phone while I was on the phone with John, and I merged the call. I'm not entirely sure what happened? Was it me, was I too much to handle? Should I have just sat back and let them do "them"?

I think that was the problem for two years. John and I sat back and trusted in people who knew little about us. We somehow believed that they had his best interest at heart. We believed they did everything in their power to get him a not guilty verdict.

It was the end of June when I discovered all the other evidence that they somehow missed. They watched the video footage a hundred times. They had no clue that John's statement to the police was accurate. The detective asked, "why did you get out and shoot". John's response "I thought he turned around and grabbed something". John was told "he was locking the gate". A gate that everyone else seemed to walk right through.

I first saw the video in November of 2022 with his first Attorney. For months I swore John had a purple shirt on and dark blue shorts. When I watched it for the second time nearly a year later, I was shocked as my recollection was totally inaccurate. We watched it again right before trial and it was the same as the second time I saw it.

I have access to John's files, so when I finally figured out how to work his laptop, I was able to watch the video's. I remember sitting down one night and watching it 100x on repeat. I eventually wore myself out and shut it down for the night. A week later I opened it up again. I remember sitting on my back porch at 8pm. I had my notebook, the laptop, a drink, and nothing else on my mind.

I played it at normal speed, and nothing. I played it again zoomed in focused on one area, and nothing. I kept playing it, and slowing it down, zooming in. I sat at the table for four hours, watching it on repeat and I finally saw it. Zoomed in and there it was, a knuckle duster. Not only was the main attacker holding one, but the second male ran out with one as well. Plain as a day on the camera, yet neither were recovered at the crime scene.

Once I discovered the weapons, I was intrigued. I kept watching, this time focused on the porch. Another missed opportunity for lesser charges. You can see the female come out the same time the other male did. She saw John being viciously attacked and instead of intervening. she walked to the other side of the porch to get something before peaking her head over the side and eventually walking down.

All three had intent, motive, and the one showed pre-attack indicators. Yet no mention of any of this during trial? I was livid and instantly called my BFF. I was overwhelmed, thinking this is it. This is going to get him a new trial. Wrong.

I continued to watch the main video. No lie I watched it a thousand times x7. Where the main video stops and the second one picks up, something didn't add up. All of a sudden, the police are on the scene, and the daughter appears in front of John's car. It didn't show her walking up; it didn't show her with the diaper bag or car seat. So how did she just magically appear?

I then watched the other 38 short clips and none of them aligned. I opened my notebook and started writing down the time stamp from each video and comparing it to the last. Every clip had minutes missing, with the exception of two videos with 45 seconds missing. A total of 20 minutes missing from start to finish. TWENTY MINUTES!!!

Why would there be TWENTY minutes missing? This is when things got "real". I dug deeper to determine when the data was pulled from the dashcam. I wanted to compare it to the search warrant. I swear, one of the videos shows two officers looking right at the camera but whispering to each other as they casually disappear. I called a friend to see if it was possible to find out when the footage was transferred. Kindly, he walked me through it and there it was "created July 31st".

I've made this known multiple times, I am not an expert in any field. To confirm my findings, I reached out to another computer expert to see if I was accurate. He reviewed everything and to my surprise (which really wasn't a surprise), the data was pulled prior to a search warrant, and he confirmed about 20 minutes of video footage missing. MISSING!!

Stuff comes up missing for one of two reasons. You miss placed it, or you're hiding something. In this case, they are hiding evidence. Evidence that could have potentially got John his not guilty verdict. Evidence that clearly shows a pre-meditated attack, the other party had intent and motive, John did not.

I will never understand how all of this was never discovered. None of it will ever make sense. I've read the transcripts, all 1050 pages multiple times. His Attorney's killed it during trial. The concerns we had regarding the incident, the phone call, and the drive-by shooting that John endured years early were answered with "I don't know" or lies that were created based on coaching from the prosecutors.

After the discovery of the missing footage, and the data being pulled the day of the incident, I sent the Attorney's emails. It was one right after another, and it took them weeks to respond. After that it was crickets. I had very little interaction with them. Our last, and final phone call was the Thursday before oral arguments.

I received a call that afternoon from their paralegal that was working on John's case. She wanted to confirm that my request to have a certain Attorney argue oral arguments was still the same. I kindly asked to have one of the partners argue over another, and when I was asked "why" I held back as I didn't want my thoughts and opinion to ruin John's chance at an appeal because I upset one Attorney. She responded, "I understand, and I'll let them know".

I knew the second I hung up with her that the Attorney would be calling me. I love when I'm right. Thirty minutes later I received a phone call from the Attorney asking me "why not him". I tried explaining it as nicely as I possibly could before I said "you're too close to the case opposed to your partner who doesn't give a sh!t, he can sleep at night not worried about John being in prison".

To my surprise the other Attorney was on the call and said, "hey Megan, so and so here and I don't know whether or not to take offense to that comment". I covered it up by saying "don't take offense to it", but truth is I don't give a damn what you take offense to. I explained to him my concerns, and how frustrated I am at the fact that I, nor John have been able to get in contact with them. Not once have they gone to visit him, despite the fact that they've told me TWICE that they would!

By this time, the other Attorney had walked away. The one apologized and said "you're right we've had a lot of changes in the office and we're working on a lot of cases but you're right we should have gone down to see him". No freaking crap! They knew for TWO years that this was going to kill John. They knew of his suicide attempt, they knew they screwed up! The fact that John called multiple times and couldn't get through is what bothers me. We even scheduled two phone calls to guarantee John would be able to talk to them, and when he just rang, and rang, and rang. The second scheduled call, he sent John to voicemail and said, "my phone never rang".

I am such a forgiving person, I hate confrontation, but if you come for mine, I push back. I specifically told them "I can't lose him". I trusted them, I begged John to go with their law firm. All of it is utterly sickening to me.

I wanted to get new Attorney's over the summer, especially when my calls, John's calls, and my emails weren't getting answered. After finding all the missing pieces I thought it would be best to get new Attorneys. Yet, I didn't. I listened and trusted them to guide me, to explain it to me in laymen's terms so I could understand. We were with them for two years, they knew us. I was comfortable with them. Clearly not comfortable enough to speak my peace.

Everyone considers me a "saint" for sticking with John. When in reality, I'm toxic. I'm almost lethal to him. I requested the divorce, I picked the Attorney's, I encouraged him to trust them, even though he had his own concerns. I could have hired new Attorney's in June and opted not to. I am 100% the reason for all of this, and there is nothing I can do.

I am angry. I'm angry at myself, I'm angry with his Attorneys, and I am angry with the courts. The Judge, the prosecutors, and the half a$$ detective who worked his case. The responding officers, every single person who had anything to do with this incident I am bitter towards. Every night I pray for these people. Every single night I ask God to heal them and keep them safe. Knowing they lied, manipulated, and cheated the system to get their "win".

I considered sending a "parting way" email but realized there'd be no point. John is one client in their multi-million-dollar law firm. It wouldn't make a bit of a difference. Instead of seeing John for who he is, he was just another dollar sign to them. My words, mean absolutely nothing to people who are driven by ego.

Keep praying, the fight hasn't ended. Our journey isn't over.

James 5:16: People can pray for each other's healing

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